Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween! "Rrrrr!"

Happy Halloween. :-) Enjoy!

Love, the Pirates ahem-- Wagners ;-)

Thursday, October 18, 2007

a hair-raising dilemma...

I was walking through my hallway, phone rang, answered it... it was Cam (who was driving from school to work). We began to chat, the norm. Until I looked down at my needing-to-be-vacuumed carpet... was that hair?

When was the last time I trimmed my bangs?
Didn't I take the bathroom garbage out just yesterday?
Wait... that's too light to be my-- OH no...

That's when I looked up to the table, at my three-year-old eating her macaroni and cheese. Cameron kept asking what was wrong, because I was silent except for the "OH no..."


She did it.

The inevitable thing that happens to every little girl at some point in her life... had happened to mine. I had been so careful and always taught her not to do it... apparently I wasn't clear enough.

Two inches across on the front of Liv's head had been cut to eye level.

It was time for a haircut. :-(

Here are our sad (but CUTE) before and afters...

(Notice the chipper happiness...
this is before she discovered how much I had to cut off.
She's turned to look at her "funny" side in the medicine cabinet mirror.)

That's some loooong hair. :-(

And here she is... looks like she's 5-years-old now!

She was watching Cinderella... not paying much attention.
When she started bawling in the bathroom,
because "I was just making it longer, momma..." and
"But I like it longer, I want it longer, don't cut it,"
it absolutely broke my heart...

(After reminding her, she'd look like Snow White when we were done,
and of course - that she could have fruit snacks... well, things brightened up.) :-)

And minus the not paying attention she was suddenly happy again, lol. :-)

So there you have it folks...

My 3-year-old who talks like a 16-year-old
officially looks like a 5-year-old.

(and oddly enough, EXACTLY like my sister Sidney
when her hair was bobbed, lol.)

At least she's cute - man, that phrase saves her every day... :-P

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

wednesday wednesday... such a busy busy day. :-)

Had a nasty storm last night. Liv was terrified that the power would go out but we were okay. Regardless, because of all the lightning and storminess, I had to sign off from work and email HR to let them know. Made up my hours this morning and now I'm off to work on the kids' costumes... more later and maybe - even pictures! :-)

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

the view

Looking out from my office window, where I've been spending increasingly more time, I am blessed by the view of my neighbor's yard... aka construction zone. Half finished shed, old and most likely rusting swing set, a dog run semi-covered by plywood, and a glimpse at what looks like a Gma & Grandson window sticky afternoon project. Not the prettiest.

Looking up it's instant homesickness... a flat, dry horizon with -count them- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 trees in my field of vision.

To the left are Box Elder trees. Just hundreds. Not like home but it does give me some green, and I'm so thankful for that.

The mountains out here are absolutely gorgeous. I catch a lot of shots while Cam's driving, of these beauties. They're more than I've ever seen and I'm even slowing beginning to tell my navigational directions by them. [The Wasatch (the big ones) are in the East, and the Oquirrh in the West.] I've re-battery-d my camera to stay in my purse so I can actually use the photos somewhere other than just my cell phone.

I've finally begun work and have been improving each day at my line count, that's always encouraging. :-) We've purchased our tickets for a trip to Portland in January and I'm excited for that.

Today, I have a little cleaning a lot of organizing ahead of me. With limited storage, it's hard to organize anything, but I'm tired of the photo boxes blocking our wedding things on the dresser. So I'm going to have to get creative and find a way to make the office work a little better. I have a few ideas but it will certainly be interesting...

I'm also going to be looking at houses, townhomes, and condos in the Magna/West Valley area. We'd like to stay around here but I don't know how that'll work out. We'll see.

More soon, I suppose... :-)

Monday, October 15, 2007


these babies must be god-sent to get me through the tough days.

okay. i'll admit.
a little bit of baby-converse never hurt anyone. ;-)
(thanks, mom.)