Monday, August 4, 2008

The time has come!

Well, friends and family (and random web visitors) - Cameron and I have an announcement to make...

We're pregnant!

Yeah, orange. Weird color pick, haha. Yellow wouldn't show very well and pink or blue would reference to the sex of the baby but we don't know that much yet. :) Baby is healthy, mom is doing well and getting over (FINALLY) the long mornings of nausea, lasting all day, and sometimes into the evenings. I still get a little bit in the mornings but we're surviving.

Today, Monday, we are 3 months! The due date is February 16th, 2009 - yes, interesting timing, adding to all the February birthdays we already have! Duncan's birthday is the 7th, mine is the 24th, and I believe we have 4 OTHER birthdays in February on the Wagner side as well! So it'll be a busy month but we can't wait to meet our little one. :)

So here's the poll for this post...

Baby's first heartbeat (11 weeks and 2 day) was 168 - girl or boy? :)