My beautiful -ahem- handsome baby boy.You have grown so much in the past few months, especially these last two. Suddenly you began speaking more, new words every day. Your love of Larryboy or Larry or anything to do with Veggie Tales, has only further convinced me that we're going to have many favorite "boy things" as the years go by.
But the one thing that's always been a favorite of yours and will always be... is the bath. You love bubble baths. :) Of course ever since Ang & Curtis bought you the bathtub basketball hoop set I think the love has only increased.Beyond your bath, one thing that's lasted into your quickly maturing years is your Chester Cheeto grin that reminds me SO much of your Uncle Daniel. He's still on his mission for a little less than a year and while you loved him when he was home before his mission, I can't wait to see the two of you in action again and hearing the two of you play and you TALKING back to him!
You're also potty training and doing a fantastic job. Most kids take a while to adjust, you on the other hand have been around the bend a few times before. When you were just barely two years old we bought you panties and you loved to wear them and go potty in the toilet. It lasted a week. The next time Daddy was so proud and encouraging and even bought you your beloved Thomas the Train panties - again, lasted about a week. But this time you've apparently decided there's no going back and you've been marching on like a trooper and determined. (Of course, Daddy's new promise of shheeee-reck or Cars panties always helps, haha.)
We wear panties to the store, to the library, while camping, and you cry each night when I tell you it's time to wear your diaper for nighttime. Daddy always compromises and lets you wear your panties OVER your diaper, somehow that makes it better with you though. Daddy always has the best ideas. :)
Your typical Cheeto grin disappears when Daddy gets out the camera and I'm always happy to find shots he's taken because you can just see the absolute pure happiness in your eyes as your Daddy plays and tickles you to get you to smile for him.
I'm so happy that we're blessed enough to have such a wonderful man in our lives and I hope that you'll follow him as an example in your life so that you too can turn out to be such a wonderful man and father to your very own children one day.
We love you, Monkeyboy, and we're so proud of you. I say "we" because as Momma I get to talk for Daddy too, it's a wonderful part of motherhood. ;) Besides - anyone who looks at the two of you together would be crazy to not think Daddy felt the same way, and he does. We both love you very much and look forward to being with you each day as you continue to grow up. :)
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