Our first trip to the Utah Hogle Zoo! We had a great time and got to see the fun animals. It wasn't as large at the Oregon Zoo but PACKED today. We inadvertently went to the Zoo on Macy's "Mom & Me" day. Oops.
Here are some highlights:

Dunky on Daddy's shoulders watching the presentation by the Elephants.

Duncan giving me "the look".

Playing with fruit snacks.
I told him like 18 times per fruit snack how horribly dirty the table was.
Did he care?

The cutest water fountain I've ever seen, standing next to the cutest girl I've ever seen. ;)

Could she be ANY cuter?

Mommy and Duncan outside of the Zoo by the fountain. Liv was passed out asleep in the umbrella stroller, LOL. She had walked most of the way in the Zoo, she did a great job but WOW it wore us all out doing all that walking. The Hogle Zoo has a LOT more hills than the Oregon Zoo does. We definitely were not used to it.
We had a great time and can't WAIT to sleep tonight, lol. A long day in the sun, followed by more time riding bikes in the sun... we're pooped.
Happy Mother's Day to all the Mom's out there! :) Have a great day tomorrow!
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