You are SO sweet, Duncan.
I don't know that you'll ever fully realize that.
This month you are 27 months old.
I've been so awful about keeping up my journaling in the past. Highschool was fine, I did pretty well but that was mostly because I was such a depressed anxious teenager full of angst that I wrote it down so I could remember it all, because who wouldn't want to remember. Phhfft. But once I grew out of my phases it became harder and harder, wasn't any drama to report on, day-to-day became increasingly normal, and I had children to raise. No time to worry over hair, appearance, or who broke up with who.
Until I started this blog, and mostly just until this month, have I really begun to blog on a normal basis. It may be a little, may be a lot, but I feel like it's getting me closer to journaling daily as I should. So in efforts to continue that and to make it a point to journal specifically about my children as well - I'm starting a new monthly blog tradition for each of you. I'll start with you (because you're my second and because you're so easy going you get lost behind your hormonal sister).
It's weird to think that you're only 27 months old. For some reason, all of your life, I've always felt you were older than you were. When we were getting ready for your 2nd birthday, it was so "young". I just felt as if you had already passed the age of 2. Mostly because you never seemed 1-year-old. I remember you seemed so tiny to me when you were a baby. But as soon as you began to grow it happened entirely too fast. Suddenly you were walking and wrestling and playing with cars and choo-choos. :) You're only 2 and I'm already reminiscing on the baby days.Focus, focus momma. Okay, month 27. This month has been an interesting month. It started of course with SNOW. Ever since we moved to Utah, I think EVERY story begins with snow. You've developed a new "look" for yourself, every time I say "SMILE!" you respond with this:
You've grown so much this month and it's not even physically. I know you've gained some weight, grown a few - but your vocabulary has skyrocketed! You think more about the things you say, you love answering questions (even to Diego or Dora on NickJr.) and you are obsessed with repeating just about everything anyone else says.
You got your first bike this month, and right before we bought it you got a Buzz Lightyear helmet and knee and elbow pads. We picked the bike up for you when we were out on our last date night and when we picked you up from Mimi & Papa's house you were so excited to see it! You rode it for a few feet and then disregarded it completely to go play with the other cousins. :)Here's a video Daddy shot of us outside, you riding your bike, and me attempting to get you to pedal forwards instead of backwards.
Duncan riding his bike. from Melissa Wagner on Vimeo.
You're such a sweetheart, and I know one day I'll tell you that and you'll complain "Aww, Ma," and run horribly embarrassed out of the room. At which point your father will tell me to stop being so sappy to the boy, cause he's a man. Tough. Built Like a Rock.
But for now I'll sap it up and continue to kiss your little cheeks, nose, toes, fingers, arms, neck, head until you finally push me away. Ahh, babies. :)
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