Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Our Trip // November 21: The Drive

The drive to Oregon actually wasn't too terrible. The closer our departure crept up the more anxious we got. So we decided to bite the bullet, I packed ALL day Thursday like a madwoman (verses splitting it over the two days) and we left Friday morning (rather than Saturday) at 5:07am MST, after waking at 4:30am, and we made great time until we hit Portland at LITERALLY 5:00pm rush hour traffic. That was interesting, took a LOT longer than we preferred but we eventually made it. All in time for pizza at Dad's and card games the next day. :) (How could we visit Dad, with Gma Cole there, and NOT play?)

On one of our many stops we hit Boise and dressed the kids, walked around for a few minutes and I took a couple of photos. Our stops were rushed but this one was probably the most fun. (Other than the very first stop before 7 in the morning where the Ladies' Room was being cleaned and 7-months-pregnant mommy was doing dances in the aisles... all while my children asked me about 14 different times if we could buy Crayola Art Packs from the convenient store. *rolls eyes*)

So on our stop in Boise we went and saw the Boise Idaho Temple and used the Visitor's Center's facilities. I wish we would have had more time as that's the only time I've seen the Boise Temple. Maybe again some day. :)

More tomorrow on our Oregon trip! :)