Finally getting myself to sit down and do this wasn't too terribly difficult as I've really been pushing myself to remember. I think my goal eventually will be to do all of you kids on the actual "day" you turn that many months. It doesn't spread you and Livy out hardly at all, but Rachael won't be until the 17th, a little break there, right? :) Knowing myself, a strict schedule with it will make me a creature of habit and I'll have it down before you know it... right? :)
It's officially November and I've officially moved to the point of perpetual coldness. December is going to be here before we know it, but not before we get to Papa's in Oregon at least. We'll be spending a whole week there and it'll be interesting to see if we actually feel a little more relaxed this time around. I suppose anytime you visit family and have various places to go in a specific time period, it will always feel a bit rushed.
Your cousin Brighton, from Nevada, passed along some hand-me-downs that you've started wearing this month, including your new coveted pairs of pajamas. It was good timing too! You've just now decided to grow out of pretty much ALL of your pajamas save a couple pairs that were bought large on purpose. Plus a few summer style short pairs, but you're VERY adamant about making it clear it is time for JAMA PANTS, NO SHORTS. Picky picky. Every time we ask you where you got your pajamas you tell us, "Brighton sent jamas, in the mail."
We convinced you a "carf" did exist at home for you (we would have gladly bought one if they had made any that Daddy approved of, like I said they were all a bit too far on the girly side...) and once we got to the car you looked as if you had lost faith in the world because Liv had a "carf" and you did not. The only thing that made you feel better until we got home and I proved to you that I really DID have a boy scarf waiting? The tiny plastic hook that had been attached to your new fleece hat so that it could hang on display on the racks at Old Navy. You STILL, both of you, play with these dumb little display hooks and probably like them more than anything else we bought yesterday. Running around the house (and in the shopping cart at Ream's Market, our last stop on Saturday) you'd exclaim "Rrrr!" and tell us you were a pirate. This game was very cute, until you began to "accidentally" drop your hook about every two feet throughout the produce section. Bending over my new belly wasn't exactly a fun game I was enjoying and I was amazed at how easily I hid it from you by zipping it in your OWN coat pocket.
When asked if you're having a little brother or a little sister, you continue to tell us "little brudder". But when asked which baby Mommy has in her tummy, you immediately answer "baby Rachael"... it seems we might be beginning to understand? Obviously, the fact will sink in in less than 4 months when she arrives. But until then, we'll keep working at it.
Your obsession with Buzz Lightyear has definitely kicked up another notch as of lately and you commonly respond to Daddy's saying of "Hey Wunky" (derived from your name of "Wivy" for Liv) by saying, "NO WUNKY. ME BUZZ!" You also love to go shove the too-small green Oregon Zoo hat on your head and run around telling everyone you're Woody, and this is your CO-boy hat. Something tells me we're only going to get MORE creative as each day passes.
You're such a big boy Duncan, and I'm so excited to see how you will be with your new baby sister, if you and Liv will ever stop pummelling each other, and of course, if one day you'll sleep in past 6:30am. But until then... I'll just be happy here with you and your 2-year-old self, pretending that we're not less than four months away from turning 3.
What a cutie pie!
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