Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Finally posting again. :-P

Here I am at 20 weeks! Baby surely has taken notice, she's kicking probably twice the amount that she was before and is very active through the day AND night. Good and bad, lol. :)

Here I am, two days ago (@ 19wks 5days):Excuse the subdued smile. My mom always told me that I was photogenic but taking a photo every Sunday evening and being worried about how all of me looks leads to a distracted smile, lol.

The kids are, well... the kids. As usual. They've been very excited talking about baby sister and Olivia keeps asking if she can put on all of the new diaper covers we've been receiving... nonetheless they've been having fun with the idea. :)

If Olivia comes out of her hormonal rampage this afternoon I'd like to get some photos of them. In the meantime... check the funnies and day in the life for some flashback photos. :)