So yeah.
I never updated. Shame on me. BUT - now I actually have some things worth saying, lol.
First - Curtis & Angela (Cam's sister) have entered a "Why I Should Get This Scholarship" video for Curtis going back to school and who does it star? None other but the most adorable and charming Zachary. :) SO sweet! Here's the link, it's free and quick to sign up and vote for him, so DO it! You know you want to. Who could resist the baby reasoning?
So click it! NOW! Seriously the baby lust is just lingering in the air. I can feel it...
Secondly... some more cute photos:
These photos are from our most recent Zoo trip, we got to ride the CHOO CHOO! Duncan was very excited and he was happy to be anywhere near the REAL train, let alone ride on it.
Playing at the playground... (Still @ Hogle Zoo)
Duncan has a very strong grip. Cameron enjoyed getting him to hold on to the rings and then quickly stepping away for me to take the photo. Ahh... men.
He later informed me, unfortunately, that while I had taken Liv to the Ladies' Room he had done the same thing but, put him on the rings, left him there, walked around the front to take a picture HIMSELF with his camera phone. Luckily the anxiety wasn't as real as if I had been standing there counting the inevitable bodily injuries myself.
And of course, Cameron's favorite Zoo photo.
The one without him in it.
(Why do I wear the same thing almost everytime we go to the Zoo?
No idea. I'll have to make a mental note of that.)
Speaking of injuries - my boy had his first 3 stitches last night. He climbed up into his sister's bed (they have bunks and he's finally learned to climb up) and somehow managed to fall off and smack his head on the corner of the small chest of drawers by their bed. Needless to say the bleeding stopped but the massive hole (okay, it was a nice puncture wound from a sharp corner, Y-shaped, about a half of an inch HOLE) was gaping and I knew we'd need to go in.
Danine came over to watch Liv (THANK YOU! :)) and we headed out to an after hours-insta care place in West Valley and they stitched him up with three stitches. Pictures later as he's napping right now but he's doing just fine and hasn't even tried to mess with the stitches. Tough kid.
Well, that's all for now. Perhaps more photos later including the 3-stitch-wonder. :)
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