The photos aren't the best as the kids were not even looking anywhere near me... but we've got plenty of cousin shots and plenty of water-play shots. :) Enjoy.

Duncan (2) & Jordan (4)

Alissa (1), boy in blue shorts (no idea, lol), Duncan, Liv (4),
Andrew (3), Kortney (2), Kyla (4), and Jordan

Andrew & Jordan



Liv & Kortney


Liv finally getting to the top.
Now can we get her back down...

Testing the water...

Daddy helping Duncan take a slide down. :)


Christina & Alissa

Duncan... this is what he did for pretty much the WHOLE time.
This kid and any type of sports ball.


Liv. Again.

Duncan going down the other side.
Note the ball in his death grip and the facial expression saying,
"Can I go play basketball again?"

I wish this shot would have been lighter, but Andrew is just so funny in it, haha.
He had a good time and is SO cute. :)

Liv going down, finally ENJOYING the slide. :)

Later I discovered, after Cam snapped this shot,
why she was okay going down the slide suddenly.
She'd go down the slide that didn't have the double sprayer and
she'd duck the only sprayer this one had by slipping to the side.
She didn't want to "get her hair wet." :-P


Duncan, again. :)

Kortney, haha, I love this one! Her expression is so cute,
and I got the water just perfectly. :)

Kyla & Duncan

Kyla going down the little slide. :)


Liv going for more. :)

Ashlinn (Jordan & Alissa's little sister)

Close up. :)

Zachary (Ang & Curt's son) in his adorable swimshorts, lol.

He was working really hard on staying up. :) He's such a cutie.

"There's baby Zachary!" Liv said after seeing this. :D

Opening presents

The "cake".

Blowing out the candles! (Check out Liv's cheeks, haha.)
That's finally the last of the birthday posts! :)
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