[Pardon the tootsie-roll lips throughout this post - she was enjoying some Christmas candy.] ;-)

Liv on Cam's lap with her Itsy Itsy Bratz doll from Danine & Bruce.

Livy with her candy cane bear! [from Danine & Bruce]

The beautiful blanket Danine crocheted for Olivia. She made one for each of us - they're just gorgeous!

How do you get Duncan to stay still for a photo? Give him something soft (beautiful blue blanket) and food. :-D [blanket from Danine & Bruce]

The first encounter of D and his teddy, it was given to him by Danine & Bruce. [I forgot how nice and clean and shiny it once was. That poor teddy is SO loved. Bow gone, been through the "teddy bath" a few times - but definitely loved.] :-)

Mommy's blanket! [still! so pretty!]

Some fun glasses in a gift bag from Jennifer & John. :-D

Duncan sporting his glasses, haha. :-D
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